Guts Need Love
Love Your Guts Back To Health
What Is Leaky Gut – What Are The Symptoms?
Leaky gut, or increased intestinal permeability, is a condition where toxins, microorganisms, and small food particles, get through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream where they don’t belong
Authenticity – Finding Purpose In My Story
I’m going to get very honest and personal in this post. And that is scary. Putting your true self out there isn’t easy. Making mistakes in front of…
Are Antacids Harmful?
No one wants to deal with heartburn or acid reflux. If this is something you deal with daily, you may have grown accustomed to popping a few antacids…
How To Raise GABA Levels
If you follow these guidelines to raise your GABA levels, you will find that you’re falling asleep easier, managing stress levels, feeling more relaxed, clear
Can Antibiotics Cause Depression?
Getting an infection is no fun. Sometimes it’s necessary to take an antibiotic in order to prevent the infection from causing serious damage. However, anti…
Do Emotions Affect Your Health? A Mind-Body Experience
Short answer: Yes! Your emotions definitely have an effect on physical health. Maybe a better question is, “How and why do emotions affect your health?”
Love Your Guts
The gut microbiome is the foundation of physical health. Healing your gut heals the body.
Your mind, emotions, and body are connected. You are a complete system, not separate parts. When you achieve a healthy gut microbiome, your mental health improves.
Holistic gut health is the key to well-being. Relieve pain, clear your skin, and improve your digestion and boost your mood & immunity by loving your guts.